Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It’s so hard to stay alive when the world seems to collapse. The bad things always happen at the same time, and no matter how hard you try they always seems to win. When you think that your life is going to improve and that the problems are already apart everything starts again...
It’s too difficult to smile when you’re so afraid, when all you want to do is cry, and all you need is time... but the world can’t stop not even a moment, and so you lose yourself, and when this happens you almost never find the right way again.
And this people... everyone seems to be so different... so worst! No-one ever wants or bothers to help you, and you start to be panic... All you wish is fly, fly away... You try to be strong, you try to move on, you try not to fall down, but this seems to be impossible; I mean, how can you face this world alone? You just a girl...
Your head is so confuse... you think too much, why can’t you just forget everything, all this stupid responsibilities?... Do the ones who are closer to you have any idea of what you are felling? Maybe it’s just fase, maybe it’s going away someday... but, and if it doesn’t? How can anyone be with all this fear and sadness for a lifetime?
At night, when you’re warm in your bed, you always dream about better days, and better people... But deep inside you know that they’re just stupid dreams... stupid childishness’...


Anonymous said...

Olaaaaa =) ha mt temppo que já nao te fazia aki uma visitinha...
pois é..nao se pk mas identifico-me mt com os textinhos amorosos queescreves..isso e bem vdade..qtas vezes nao sinto que td esta a melhorar, que a vida finalmente me sorri, mas nao..começa td de novo ehhhhh :S
O importante é sermos capazes de nos concentrar nas coisas boas que temos na vida..isto e td mt bonito eu sei, faze-lo é bem mais dificil do que dize-lo =)
no entanto nao podemos baixar os braços, nao podemos deixar que tdas as pessoas que nos kerem mal acabem por vencer e nos deixem down...abaixo a tdas as bestas que querem por a mh Pipa down... :P nao vao conseguir pk esta miuda é "the special one" e n se deixa assim levar a baixo.
texto genealmente bem escrito, ainda que seja em ingles e que tenha de aproveitar que sao 10.54 para fazer um coment decente pois so assim pla manha tenho o cerebro suficientemente activo pra entender ingles loool
bjoka fofa
te 4ta ;)

LUA DE LOBOS said...

A autora Maria de São Pedro, a Papiro Editora e a Fnac têm o prazer de convidar V.Exas. a estarem presentes para o lançamento do livro GATO PEDRA no dia 19 de Maio, pelas 19.00h na Fnac - Cascais Shopping.