Thursday, March 29, 2012

Where are you now?

Like a ghost your presence lingers here.
I can feel you, I can smell you, I can almost touch you but you can’t see me, no, you can’t even hear me.
I stand still, hoping one day you’ll notice me, wishing someday I’ll wake up next to finally find your body next to mine again.
The empty space between us keeps growing and my silent screams seem never able to reach you.
I’m not weak, I don’t want to be broken, but this can’t be it...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Loose thoughts

Empty your mind
Open your heart
Free your fear
Share your love

Monday, March 19, 2012

Family is Family

Remember all those gatherings, the lunches, the breaks between classes, the moments in the locker room. Think about all the fights, the arguments and disagreements. The times you said you couldn’t take it anymore and you wished it would all go away soon.
The people you weren’t able to tolerate anymore because you had reached that point that everything they did or said was utterly annoying. Look back now, and tell me you don’t miss it. Lie to me if you don’t want to recognize that despite all the bad stuff, that is still part of the best half of your life. Admit that you’re afraid they don’t feel the same, that you can’t bare the idea of losing someone that you hate as much as you love.
Forget about blood, surnames, genetic and legal descriptions, family is not something you can describe or stereotype, it’s something that you just feel inside of you.
I’m not talking about dreamy people or perfect lives, I’m referring to the mess we have to face every day. The moments when even though no one else could find a reason to fight we stuck together and made it happen.
It’s when you don’t have to love that person every single second, or even see her as much as you probably should. It’s the comfort of knowing that a good laugh will eventually come, that even if you are one ocean away they will squeeze you as tight as always the next time they see you, that nothing can tear you apart and that even if it would, it could never be strong enough to erase the story you shared.
It is often said that you can’t choose your family, I beg to differ, because

“Family is family. Whether it's the one you start out with, the one you end up with, or the family you gain along the way”*

* By Sofia Vergara as Gloria Delgado in Modern Family

Friday, March 16, 2012

Humanitarian Work

It is hard to live a life without a house, without money, without the basic things you need to survive. However, poverty is not all about material things. Harder than going through a life without luxuries is having face it on your own. It’s easy to feel unwanted when all you know is misery and pain. People around the world have the most brutal life experiences, orphan children, men and women who’ve lost their entire families. For these people it’s not only the lack of food that makes them poor, but not having the support system needed to overcome their losses. Humanitarian organizations and volunteers around the world develop a crucial work not only in providing the food and resources that people require to live, but also by showing them that they are not alone. When the world seems to be against you it’s important to know that someone cares and humanitarian organizations have the tough, though, rewarding role of giving these people a glimpse of hope. By showing them that the world can still be a good place and that they are not alone, humanitarian organizations help to make people richer in their hearts. 

Friday, March 09, 2012


Hi everyone, 

A quick post today just to give you all a little update regarding Operation: Let's Build a House. To the ones who are not familiar with it you can check the video here or read the entire description here.

With your contributions we've manage to out the electricity in the whole place and will start next week the work to put up the windows. I imagine that you are all curious to know exactly what is being done, I am too, so I'll try to get some pictures once the Windows are up so I can share with all of you that are helping us promoting this cause.

To keep up with any updates you can add us on Facebook - Let's Build a House, or even on Twitter - FiKath.

I heard from Julia and the kids today, they are so thankful for what we're doing, and we are thankfull to you because we couldn't have done it alone. 
We have another project set to be released soon that will cross the purposes of this blogs with the goals of this cause and hopefully allow us to reach even better results, so keep posted.
To help you can click the PayPal button on the right side of this screen or donate your contribution to

Bank: Montepio Geral
NIB: 0036 0001 991 00068244 49 (if you are in Portugal)
IBAN: PT50 0036 0001 991 00068244 49 (if you are an international reader)

Besides that, please share this cause with everyone you know.

Thank you loves :)

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Invisible Children

It all starts with an idea. All you have to do is be bold enough to believe in it and make it possible. Don't give up. A couple months ago I've started my own project - #LetsBuildaHouse. My little way of trying to make a difference in someone's life. There were moments I didn't thought it was possible, that by myself I could make help to improve someone's life but I still gave it a shot and I'm happy, because little by little we are helping that family. 

This project that I present you today has come a much longer way, but that doesn't mean they don't need our help anymore. It's time that we all stop complaining and start to do something. Please watch the video bellow, it's a bit long but definetely worth it. 

Let's rock it! We can make a change. Let's use the tools we use everyday to enjoy our life to actually make a difference. Facebook, blogs, twitter, email... help is only a click away. 
If we are able to see eachother we are able to protect eachother. 
What we do matters. Let's get involved. 
Let's make the Invisible Children Visible. Let's stop Joseph Koni. 

I know some of my readers are spread around the world, so let's get together, I've joined Twitter let's make this trendy, let's make this famous, be part of the solution! Let me know how you get involved! 

Sunday, March 04, 2012


I’ll never tell you I’m good at something, I’ll never see myself as someone capable. I don’t throw myself at challenges, I don’t like changing. I’m comfortable with what I’m familiar with and I fear the unknown. I’m aware of my fragilities but a stranger to my strengths. I dream high but I don’t aim much. I can’t cope with failure and I have incredible low tolerance to frustration. If I’m not confident in my skills (and I never am) and there’s a way out, I’ll back off, I can tell you right now.
Sometimes we’re too harsh on ourselves, so when you’re your own worst enemy you have to be able to rely on someone else. Our gut can be distorted by fear and insecurities. Unrealistic expectations will swallow our faith. At times we have to ignore the voices inside.
I’m good at doing what I have to do. When there’s no choice. When you make me face it, when you make me do it, I’ll come through. I’ll panic, I’ll suffer, but I’ll manage it. However, I would never willingly put myself in a situation I can’t control.
Do I think failing makes you a loser? No, I think it makes you brave and strong. Then why am I here on the edge waiting for someone to push me?

Friday, March 02, 2012

Do I have it in me?

Can I keep doing it? Do I still have it me? Have I ever had it? Will there ever be a time where all the thoughts are gone and my head will be just a blank, quiet, boring sheet? Will I be happy then? Or more lost and lonely? Will it make sense someday, when I look back? Will I be able to get what it taught me or how I grew because of it? Could I ever be different? Do I want to?