Monday, August 20, 2012

Simple pleasures

There are things in life that can’t be explained. Little pleasures that bright up your life and put a smile on your face. The safe spots, simple things that you took for granted in the past, that you almost forget in the rush of everyday but that when cross your path again still manage to bring out that peace, that pure joy.
I wanted to put in words how it felt today, touching that round piece of rubber again. I wanted to share how it changed my mood, how suddenly the 26+ sleepless hours didn’t seem to matter anymore. I wanted to put in writing how great I felt just to get in that court once again. I keep trying to find the words for it but I can’t find them… I wanted to do it so I could read it whenever I need little pick me up, I wanted to do it so I can share with you that amazing sensation but how can you explain it? How can you explain it to someone who never played the comfort (not just physical) it gives you to put on those baggy shorts? How you miss the ritual of getting your jersey on? How can you explain how soothing is the process of getting your sneakers ready and tied them perfectly? It just feels right… and right there you know you won’t regret going, right there you know you won’t feel tired, but that’s just the start. The real rush happens when you finally step in on the court, when you caress the ball between your fingers and give the first dribbles, the sound of it bumping on the floor warms you up inside. The swish sound of the first made shot echoes in your head and suddenly all makes sense… all the late nights and early mornings, the missed dinners and parties, the bruises the sacrifices, not because it was your obligation but because playing was above all a pleasure!
It’s uncanny how something that simple can change your mood in slip of a second. It’s illogical and I can’t explain it, not if you never had a passion like it but it’s good, it’s so good.

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