Friday, May 18, 2012


I hate this part of the year when all my favorite Tv series go on hiatus. Maybe it's because it has always been so much easier for me to live other people's/character's lives than my own. Maybe it's because my quirkiness towards people and relationships arouses in me a fascination and almost obsession to analyze, dissect and desperately try to understand its logic, its meaning.
That's how I started to dream, and later to write, I think... at least that's how I remember it. By being inspired by those little details that in my head were never explored enough.
I like when a show grows with you, when it makes you think, when it's interesting enough to make you zone out, when it transports you back and makes you remember special moments and feelings you almost forgot.
I'm not one of those people you'll be desperately craving for the next episode to see what comes next (okay, maybe sometimes), usually I develop my own parallel stories, all I need is some fuel... I do however like how these things keep me entertained, more even, busy! So during these months I always have to work a bit harder to find a new things to keep this rambling mind of mine occupied so that it doesn't get (too) lost.  

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