Sunday, March 04, 2012


I’ll never tell you I’m good at something, I’ll never see myself as someone capable. I don’t throw myself at challenges, I don’t like changing. I’m comfortable with what I’m familiar with and I fear the unknown. I’m aware of my fragilities but a stranger to my strengths. I dream high but I don’t aim much. I can’t cope with failure and I have incredible low tolerance to frustration. If I’m not confident in my skills (and I never am) and there’s a way out, I’ll back off, I can tell you right now.
Sometimes we’re too harsh on ourselves, so when you’re your own worst enemy you have to be able to rely on someone else. Our gut can be distorted by fear and insecurities. Unrealistic expectations will swallow our faith. At times we have to ignore the voices inside.
I’m good at doing what I have to do. When there’s no choice. When you make me face it, when you make me do it, I’ll come through. I’ll panic, I’ll suffer, but I’ll manage it. However, I would never willingly put myself in a situation I can’t control.
Do I think failing makes you a loser? No, I think it makes you brave and strong. Then why am I here on the edge waiting for someone to push me?

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