I was always naïve. I was that cliché little girl who believed she could save the world and make a difference, and though life as made a point of teaching me there are things we can’t control and lives we cannot change, deep inside that will has never faded.
There have been times I wished I could care
less about things, but then again we can’t let the circumstances of life harden
us to the point we stop caring, or else what would keep us going?
I like to think that have grown a lot, that I’m
not the little girl who believed in fairy tales anymore, but I think a lot of
people still seem me has a naïve young woman who mistakenly believes she can
make a difference, who still hasn’t
understood her insignificance in this world. And maybe that’s where I’ve
grown the most, because there was a time I’d let their lack of faith shake me
up, that I’d wonder if time would make me that sceptical too, but now I know it’s
up to you to keep paving that path. It’s not always easy, you will fall and
fail a thousand times, but you always have a choice. You can choose to quit or
you can choose to try harder. You can’t blame it on people, as if the actions
of a few could dictate how you act towards all the others. It’s your choice if
you will let failure prevent you to reach out for someone else.
Life is unpredictable. Challenges thrown at us
constantly - at work, at home, inside ourselves... It’s easy to become slouchy,
grumpy, to stop trying, to become averse to change and whatever falls out of
norm. It’s easier to become that person that shuts down everything that’s new,
everyone who’s different. It’s easier to settle for the minimum and avoid
raising the bar. It’s easier to clamp up and think only about oneself. It’s
easier to become selfish… But just because it’s easier, it doesn’t mean that’s
the way to go.
You have a choice to look on the bright side,
to focus on the positive outcomes that might come with the challenges. You have
a choice to put the extra work, walk that extra mile, even if it doesn’t always
seem fair, even if the road gets lonely at times. You have a choice to be
positive, even if it means swimming against the tides of doubt, fear and
ignorance that surround you. You have a choice to keep trying no matter how
many times you fail, because it’s not about being perfect, it’s about making an
You have a choice to make your stand and walk
tall, even if that means standing alone…
We have a choice and we have the responsibility
to look out for each other, even if it was not in the plans, even if we’re not
sure how it will all turn out in the end.
I don’t believe in higher powers, but I believe
in free will. I believe we are the result of the choices we make, not just in
life changing moments, but in all the little ones, the ones that truly count. So
you do what you have to do. You stand up for what you believe regardless the
consequences, and you don’t let life that away your humanity.
If you do that at some point you will believe
you can make a difference. Because you can, because you do, even if it’s one
life at the time, even if the life you’re changing is your own. They’ll keep
telling you that it’s not worth it, that you can’t help them all, but it’s all about
that 1% you can.
There’s so much evil in this world we can’t
control, but if we would make an effort to change the little things we do, to
care about the next one, to open up to something new, to walk a mile in someone
shoes, to offer them something as little as a genuine smile, so much pain would
be taken away… and that’s not about being a good person, it’s about being
You should never underestimate the power your
actions can have on someone, so let them doubt all they want, I’ll believe for
both us.