Not a mother, a sister or a friend.
But a mix of all the above.
Someone that doesn’t have to be there,
But makes you feel better if she is.
A story teller that fascinates you,
Grabbing your attention with every tale.
A person that doesn’t take herself too
Nor is afraid to make fun of herself.
The one that curses with the car that doesn’t
But doesn’t get upset when you burst in
Someone that remembers you as a child,
But is able to see you as the woman you are
A care giver, that squeezes you tight
And makes you miss her hugs when you’re not
even the hugging type.
Someone who always has an open door,
Not just for you, but your friends too.
A person that shares advice, but also her
That has strong opinions, but doesn’t judge
A comfortable home away from home,
When you’re usually awkward around those
who aren’t always there.
A reminder that age means nothing,
That friendship doesn’t look at numbers.
A friend, an aunt, that means so much more
than others never could,
One more proof that family has nothing to
do with blood, but with love.